Power up your business by giving your customers the best experience from your digital products & services

is delivering digital experiences..


We power up your business by making your Users have the best Experience while they are interacting with your products

We do this by following a User Centric Design approach for the design and development of a project in a fast paced agile-development environment at akuinfocorp

It’s more than

just website design & development on the surface level

It’s more about solving business problems

and making the best use of technology for delivering your services effectively to your customers

User Experience in product design, especially in digital products is our specialty


Designed & Developed for startups & businesses


Powering up with User Experience Design (UX)

The benefits of user experience design in a project is of great importance as it improves navigation, information findability & overall helps users complete their tasks using useful usable interfaces. Our projects highlights the examples of design work done by us in different domains


We provide product design & development services to companies



We adhere to the design process

UX Design

User Experience Design

User Experience Design is all about creating an emotional connection between your customers and your products or services, achieved through seamless interactions and intuitive interfaces. At akuinfocorp, we are dedicated to providing you with a personalized and exceptional user experience that is precisely tailored to your website and applications, ultimately fostering success in your business.

UI Design

User Interface Design

As interfaces continue to evolve across various platforms and devices, it becomes essential to adapt to these changes. At akuinfocorp, our team specializes in creating cutting-edge UI designs that cater to the diverse needs of modern users. Whether it's websites, apps, or other digital interfaces, we are dedicated to delivering exceptional and intuitive designs that elevate your user experience.



We offer development services

Front-end development

Ideas are turned into working interactive pieces of User Interfaces that reflects the business & it's theme.

Back-end development

We put great effort in making sure that the application has the right combination of backend technology & security for running your business application.

Why Us

Choose us because..

Business flow optimisation

We focus on improving the business by optimizing the tasks and leveraging the outcomes of these tasks in the daily work process of yor business

Better Usability

We live and breathe usability and will make sure that your website or apps are easy to use by your target users. From internal applications to customer facing products, we make sure that every digital touch point is super easy to use

Customer Support

We value your time and investment in our services and to keep up with the quality we provide customer support for every project that we do with you.

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